Feb ‘23: What’s New in What’s Old

Several of the stereoscopes below have been in our collection for quite some time but are just now making their grand appearance on our website. For instance, just 1 year into building our collection, we acquired the Russian stereoscope with stereoviews of the Sovtransavto transport company. We first posted it on our Instagram in 2018 and we’re happy to present it to a larger audience here. Three of the viewers below actually are newcomers to our collection, though: the blank NPG tin viewer that we thought we’d never find, the rare View-Master Model 12, and the yellow Brumberger. We’ve had a Brumberger stereo viewer in our collection for several years but we had never seen a yellow one and are excited to have it. And, while we didn’t post any pics below, we’ve also made updates to our VistaScreen page.


Old Viewer, Who Dis?


Jan ‘23: What’s New in What’s Old